


Be immersed in the sounds of rain and meditation bells.  

As you listen to this soundscape, you might like to hold your baby. In your arms, on your chest. Heartbeats together.
Feel the weight of the rain, let it wash over you both - calming and rejuvenating.

How does it change the atmosphere in your home? 

How does it change how you move through space? 

How does it bring you closer together?

  • You can use this soundscape anywhere or anytime you like.

    It might be helpful when it’s time to calm down for rest.

  • This soundscape is best listened to on speakers attached to your audio device.

  • This Rain soundscape was part of the live performance installation Rain: For Babies and their Carers, created by Drop Bear Theatre, The Seam and cellist Edwina Cordingley.



we wash you
little one
in water that has bathed all history’s children before you

each with hopes and longing
and a life to be lived
each with fear and sadness
and a death to be borne

we wash you with water
that has the power to bring life
to shape worlds
and to destroy

we wash you with the knowledge
that its story is beyond us to hold
and to control

and so we wash you with our love
and with a thousand prayers
and unspoken dreams
and with voice only for these:

that you will know you are not alone
and you will know this life is yours only
to live

- Cheryl Lawrie, 2009

Other moments from Glow

  • Wash

    Splish. Splash.
    A bath time ritual.


  • Ancient Hands

    Connect you and your babe with those who are missing, or far away.


  • Put The Kettle On

    Return to this moment, over a cup of tea.


If you do feel uncomfortable or distressed at any time as a new parent, please know that support is available. Visit our support page for more information.


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Learn more about Threshold and the artists who created Glow.