

A restful sound poem. A moment to reset.

Written from the steady and even horizontal plane of the floor, a place where you can be held.

  • This is an invitation to rest for a moment. It can be done by yourself, or with your babe.

    Find a comfortable place on the floor - and begin.

  • Play this sound poem from your phone or other audio device.

  • This musically held meditation written by Zoë Barry is an invitation to take a moment of being-in-and-imagining-the-world-together.

    Inspired by a conversation with artist/creative arts therapist/new mother/dear friend Mardi Thorpe.

    “I would love for parents to have moments with their babies that feel expansive - safe - blissful - wonder-filled - imaginative - here we are, together - calm - curious - noticing - the world is inviting - the natural elements are generous and give solace. “

    - Zoë Barry

Settle in a lying position somewhere you are comfortable.

Press play on the audio track below.

“Are you aware of the finite treasure that is your attention?” 

— Lise Silva

“I remember sitting there so distinctly staring at the wall, so tired things were fuzzy. Everything felt so monotonous, each hour and each day blended into the next. I was so desperate for a shift in energy. At some point, I remember lying down beside my baby and let the floor hold me. As I lay there seeing things from her view I felt my energy begin to shift. I noticed the light dancing on the roof, the contrast between the ceiling and objects in the room, the sky outside the windows. I felt my body connecting to the ground. I felt the weight of me supported.

This is something I return to often, this process of lying down. A year on now and every time I feel heaviness or dissonance when with my child I lay down next to her and allow my body to be held.”

— Mardi Thorpe

Other moments from Glow

  • Ancient Hands

    Connect you and your babe with those who are missing, or far away.


  • Night

    Stretch and rest with the moon.


  • Wrap

    A gentle guided playtime with a muslin wrap



If you do feel uncomfortable or distressed at any time as a new parent, please know that support is available. Visit our support page for more information.


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Learn more about Threshold and the artists who created Glow.